Sunday, November 7, 2010


Arif loves to have shots of him taken wearing his Ben 10 omnitrix, using my sony hphone. All sorts of pose with his beloved omnitrix (betul ke eja ni? belasah la)....

Amongst those many shots of him, there was one of mine wearing a bridal crown...(taken while helping out my niece, or rather, nyibuk to choose her wedding dress)....i said to Arif, while pointing at the screen of my hphone...

"look Arif, dont i look pretty wearing a crown?"

Arif with a glance on the hp screen, said........"mama, that is not a crown......., its a TIARA..."

ehem...ehem..."oh a TIARA.."


doodlemom said...

mmg seswai dgn panggilan amoi/mama/aunty glam..

Amoiglam said...


Anakmami said...

wah!!! mesia gerenti selamat drpd serangan aliens with Arif Ben 10 is around! :P

larik!!!!! the first alien as landed!!! the mom with the tiara!!!!

Amoiglam said...

anakmami - statement jeles....akak tau akak gorjes...ahaks...

sinaganaga said...

Ngeh ngeh.


uik momy..

pakai mahkota la... ori ke tu...

hi hi hi........