"Arif u got homework today?" my daily question to Arif, my youngest. He is in Year 1.
"Yes", he said.
"Pegi la buat homework". Cuba pujuk dengan nada paling lembut dekad ini.
"Ala mama, buat homework, so tired la ma..." anak cuba berdalih. Sangat selesa melepak dengan mama on the bed, snuggling his mama.
"U know what Arif, your class teacher said, Arif ni nakal, selalu tak buat homework". Anak diam bila dengar bonda yang penuh kasih sayang ni berbicara.
"and your teacher said, if Arif does not do his homework, she is going to denda mama and ayah". Anak diam lagi.
"Your teacher said, she is going to let mama and ayah stand in the hot sun. U know how hot the sun is kan?" anak mengangguk tanda setuju.
"You and my father will melt", he said.....
"yes my son, we will melt."
Arif bingkas bangun turun ke bawah and reached for his books. Buat homework. Minutes later, "Ma, homework dah siap!"
hmmm....that seems to work. Alhamdulillah....
haha ...cute. sama lah mcm aliyah. she's a fussy eater. tried so many ways until we said that if she doesnt est, people (social worker) will come and take her away fr us cos they think we dont feed her. and terus makan!
surprised us juga. coz today when asked him of his homework, he said dah siap. Amazing!
hahaha...bagus punya psychology. tapi ada jugak budak yang susah nak kena psycho...
hahahaha good one!
cant use that on Azhad thou... :P
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